मध्य प्रदेश: प्रदेश कांग्रेस अध्यक्ष जीतेंद्र (जीतू) पटवारी का कहना है, ”इससे ​​पहले वल्लभ भवन, सतपुड़ा भवन समेत अन्य मंत्रालयों में चार बार आग लगी, क्या कारण था?”

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By Pocketnews

#WATCH | Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh: State Congress president Jitendra (Jitu) Patwari says, “Earlier, four times fire broke out, in Vallabh Bhawan, Satpura Bhawan and other ministries, what was the reason? Who is guilty? What is the scale of destruction? Nothing came out, no data…In India, why often do fires break out in Madhya Pradesh’s ministries only?”

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